Token Connect enables you to store your card details with specific retailers in the form of secure tokens. Let's call it "tokenised".
This means you can shop more securely with the retailer as the token removes the need to enter your card details at checkout.
What Latitude cards can be tokenised?
Token Connect is a feature offered by Mastercard® and available to our Latitude GO Mastercard® and Latitude 28° Global Platinum Mastercard® customers.
How does it work?
Once you follow the simple process of linking your card with the retailer via the Latitude app, you will be redirected to the retailer’s site to sign in or create an account. The following will then occur:
- We will only share your card details with Mastercard.
- Mastercard will then convert your card into a secure token and share this encrypted data with the retailer.
- Your token will be stored with the retailer for secure and easy payment.
Next time you shop with the linked retailer and log into their shopping site, you won’t need to enter your card details at check out.
By creating an account with the retailer, you will be sharing your personal information with them in accordance with the retailer’s privacy policy.
How will I know when my card is linked?
Once your card has been successfully linked, you will be notified that the tokenisation was successful on the retailer’s account that you created. We’ll also send you an SMS to notify you of the token request.
Once you return to the Latitude app, you will be able to view this in the Linked tab in the Latitude app.
Please refresh the page or log back into your account with the retailer to view it immediately.
What happens when my card details change?
If your card is lost or stolen, your token will be automatically updated and linked to your new card. So, once you get your replacement card, you don’t need to do anything.
If you receive a card with a new expiry date, the new details are automatically mapped to the Mastercard token. This reduces preventable declined transactions and ensures continuity of your payments.
Will personal information be shared with Mastercard or the retailer?
We’re only sharing your card information with Mastercard – NOT the retailer.
We won’t be sharing any of your personal information with the retailer – it is up to you if you would like to share this information when you create an account with them.
How do I unlink/cancel my token with the retailer?
You can cancel your token by logging into the retailer’s site and deleting the card number field, which will display the last four digits of your card number.
You can also contact our Customer Service team to cancel the token. Please note that it may take up to 12 hours for the cancellation to be reflected on the Latitude app.
Please click here to visit the contact us page for more information.
Who can I contact if I have problems linking my account?
If you experience issues linking your card with a retailer, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team.
Please click here to visit the contact us page for more information.
Note: If you experience any issues with the retailer’s site, please contact the retailer directly for assistance.
We’ll continue to add new retailers, so keep coming back to tokenise your card.