Why is my Latitude credit card being updated to a Latitude Gem Visa credit card?
From January 2025, as part of streamlining the number of credit card products we offer, our CreditLine, Buyer’s Edge and CareCredit products are being upgraded to Latitude Gem Visa credit card, subject to eligibility.
Am I eligible for the update to Latitude Gem Visa?
Your account must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the update:-
- Your account must be in active and good credit standing with no arrears
- You must not be a joint account holder
- You must not have an insurance on your account
Will my Card and Account number change?
You will be given a new account number for your Latitude Gem Visa account and a new credit card number. However, your credit limit and your current balance will remain the same.
If you have an additional cardholder, they will be issued a new credit card as well.
What are the new features that will be available on my card?
New features include:
- Access to the Visa network which means that your card can be used where Visa is accepted (online, POS, local and global as well).
- Get an instant 0% Interest for 6 months on everyday purchases of $250 or more.
- Up to 55 days interest free on everyday purchases. To take advantage of up to 55 days interest free on everyday credit card purchases, you need to pay the full closing balance (excluding un-expiring 0% Interest Payment Plans) on each statement of account by the applicable due date.
- Balance transfers from external are now available for you, subject to promotional offers.
Other features will remain same including access to Interest Free plans will remain available on your credit card. Find out more here.
Are there any changes to fees and charges being introduced because of this upgrade?
Please refer to the product specific section of this article to learn about the fee changes in detail.
What happens to the Interest Free payment plans that I have on my account?
Any existing transaction including Interest Free payment plans will be transferred to your Latitude Gem Visa under your existing plan terms.
For example: If I have a 24-month Interest Free payment plan, and I have only 20 months left at the time I transfer with $500 balance remaining, this transaction will continue on the Latitude Gem Visa with 20 months left with $500 balance remaining.
What happens when my Interest free payment plan expires, and I still have an outstanding balance owing?
If you have an active Interest Free payment plan at the time of transfer, the interest rate that will apply to your outstanding balance will be the Latitude Gem Visa expired interest free payment plan rate. This will only apply when you have not paid the plan in full before the plan expiry date.
I don’t want to update to Latitude Gem Visa credit card, what are my options?
You can choose not to activate your new Latitude Gem Visa card, otherwise, please give us a call to let us know that you do not want the update to Latitude Gem Visa.
Please note: If you decide not to update to Latitude Gem Visa, you will no longer be able to make new purchases.
You also have the option to close your account if you have a zero balance. If you have an outstanding balance, you will need to pay this in order to the close the account.
I have direct debit setup to pay for my CreditLine/Buyer’s Edge/CareCredit account, what do I do with that?
The direct debit setup to pay for your CreditLine/Buyer’s Edge/CareCredit account has been automatically transferred to now pay for your Latitude Gem Visa account. This happens only at point of transfer from CreditLine/Buyer’s Edge/CareCredit to Latitude Gem Visa.
What happens to my old account?
All information from your old account will transfer to your Latitude Gem Visa account. Once we complete the transfer of your information, you will no longer be able to make any changes to your old account via the Mobile App or Latitude Service Centre. You will, however, still have access to your old account details to view historical statements and transactions.
I am a joint account holder, will I be eligible to update my account?
As a joint account holder, you can continue using your CreditLine card for retail finance purchases only but not for EFTPOS transactions. If you would like a Latitude Gem Visa credit card, you will need to apply for a new account as a single account holder.
I have insurance on my account, what does this mean for me?
Unfortunately, we are unable to support your existing insurance in our Latitude Gem Visa accounts, therefore, your account is not eligible to update to Latitude Gem Visa. However you can continue to use your CreditLine, Buyer’s Edge, or CareCredit card for retail finance purchases only but not for EFTPOS transactions.
Can I still use my old card?
You can continue to use your old card for the first 21 days from the date we issue your Latitude Gem Visa card, after which the card will be blocked, and you will no longer be able to use your old card or account.
Do I need to apply for a Latitude Gem Visa credit card to get upgraded?
No, eligible CreditLine (including CreditLine available through Apple), Buyer’s Edge and CareCredit customers automatically get upgraded to Latitude Gem Visa product and initially receive pre-communication and later a welcome pack with the new Latitude Gem Visa credit card.
Do I need to activate my new Latitude Gem visa card?
Yes, you will need to activate your new Latitude Gem Visa card in order to make purchases on your account.
How can I activate my Latitude Gem Visa card?
- Download or login to the Latitude App or Latitude Service Centre
- Select the Latitude Gem Visa tile
- Click on the “activate card” option to activate your card
- You will be prompted to provide consent. Select “proceed” if you give your consent. If you select “I don’t want to proceed”, you will not be able to activate your card.
- Follow the prompts to activate your card and set a PIN.
- Sign the back of your physical card and you're ready to go.
How can I view my old transactions?
Transactions made on your old account will not be visible on your Latitude Gem Visa account. To access your past transactions or statements, login to the Latitude Service Centre/Latitude App and select the old credit card tile listed there. You can then follow the prompts to access previous transaction history and account statements.
Moving forward how can I view my new Latitude Gem Visa account details and transactions?
Once your account updates to the new Latitude Gem Visa account, you can login to the Latitude Service Centre/Latitude App and select the Latitude Gem Visa credit card tile. You can then follow the prompts to view transactions and account statements.
I don’t want the Latitude Gem Visa account. How can I reopen my old account?
Unfortunately, you can’t reopen the old account as the upgrade to the Latitude Gem Visa has already taken place. You will no longer be able to use your old card.
What happens to the existing credit limit and balance outstanding on the old account?
Your account details including the credit limit and balance will be transferred to the Latitude Gem Visa account.
I already have an existing Latitude Gem Visa card and account, am I eligible for this upgrade?
No, your account is not eligible for the upgrade to Latitude Gem Visa as you already have an existing Latitude Gem Visa account. However, you can continue to use your existing card.
How can I close my new Gem Visa account?
Head over to our Help centre page or contact us so that we can assist you with this request.
I have lost my old card (linked to the old account), what should I do?
Contact Us and we can assist you with this issue.
I am not happy with the update of my card and wish to raise a complaint?
We're sorry to hear that you're unhappy with this change. Find out more on how to raise a complaint here.
As with all products and services, please consider if this product is still right for you, including closing your account.
Are there any new fees or charges being introduced because of this update?
Refer to the product specific tabs below to learn about the changes that impact you.
I am a Latitude CreditLine customer eligible to update to a Latitude Gem Visa card.
Are there any changes to fees and charges being introduced because of this upgrade?
Yes. There are a few changes to note as per below:
New Interest rates:
- A card purchase rate of 27.99% p.a. will now be applicable.
- A balance transfer rate will now be available based on a promotional offer.
New fees:
- Balance Transfer Fee which will be an amount equivalent to 3% of the balance transfer amount, and
- International Transaction Fee which will be an amount equivalent to 3% of the Australian dollar value of the international transaction.
Will my monthly account service fee remain when I move to Latitude Gem Visa?
Yes. Your existing account service fee will remain at $10.95 per month at point of upgrade.
I am a Creditline (available through Apple) customer eligible to update to a Latitude Gem Visa card.
Are there any changes to fees and charges being introduced because of this upgrade?
Yes. There are a few changes to note as per below:
New Interest rates:
- A card purchase rate of 27.99% p.a. will now be applicable.
- A balance transfer rate will now be available based on a promotional offer.
Increase in Interest rates:
- The expired promotional purchase rate applicable to any balance outstanding at the expiry of the interest free plan will increase to 29.99% p.a.
- The cash advance rate will increase to 29.99% p.a.
New fees:
- Balance Transfer Fee which will be an amount equivalent to 3% of the balance transfer amount, and
- International Transaction Fee which will be an amount equivalent to 3% of the Australian dollar value of the international transaction.
Will my monthly account service fee remain when I move to Latitude Gem Visa?
Yes. Your existing account service fee will remain at $5.95 per month at point of upgrade. Please note that when you receive your welcome pack, you will be shown the standard Latitude Gem Visa rates and fees which includes the monthly account service fee.
I am a Buyer’s Edge customer eligible to update to a Latitude Gem Visa card.
Are there any changes to fees and charges being introduced because of this upgrade?
Yes. There are a few changes to note as per below:
New Interest rates:
- A card purchase rate of 27.99% p.a. will now be applicable.
- A balance transfer rate will now be available based on a promotional offer.
New fees:
- Balance Transfer Fee which will be an amount equivalent to 3% of the balance transfer amount, and
- International Transaction Fee which will be an amount equivalent to 3% of the Australian dollar value of the international transaction.
Minimum monthly payment:
- How your minimum monthly payment is calculated will change to 3.00% of the adjusted closing balance or $25, whichever is greater, plus any instalment payment due for that statement period. However, if the adjusted closing balance is less than $25, the minimum monthly payment will be the adjusted closing balance; and if the adjusted closing balance is less than $5, the minimum monthly payment will be $0 (nil).
Will my monthly account service fee remain when I move to Latitude Gem Visa?
Yes. Your existing account service fee will remain at $10.95 per month at point of upgrade.
I am a CareCredit customer eligible to update to a Latitude Gem Visa card.
Are there any changes to fees and charges being introduced because of this upgrade?
Yes. There are a few changes to note as per below.
New Interest rates:
- A card purchase rate of 27.99% p.a. will now be applicable.
- A balance transfer rate will now be available based on a promotional offer.
Increase in Interest rates:
- The expired promotional purchase rate applicable to any balance outstanding at the expiry of the interest free plan will increase to 29.99% p.a.
- The cash advance rate will increase to 29.99% p.a.
New fees:
- Balance Transfer Fee which will be an amount equivalent to 3% of the balance transfer amount, and
- International Transaction Fee which will be an amount equivalent to 3% of the Australian dollar value of the international transaction.
Will my monthly account service fee remain when I move to Latitude Gem Visa?
Yes. Your existing account service fee will remain at $5.95 per month at point of upgrade. Please note that when you receive your welcome pack, you will be shown the standard Latitude Gem Visa rates and fees which includes the monthly account service fee.
Effective 1st May 2025, we will increase the fee to $10.95 per month to align with the Latitude Gem Visa fees.