If you want someone else to use your account or talk to us on your behalf they need to be set up as an Authorised Third Party first. We need to record their details so we can make sure your account is safe from unauthorised access.
We have two levels of access that can be granted to a third party:
- Disclose Only: Whoever you nominate can discuss your account with us and be given information like the account balance, purchase information but they cannot change any details on the account or request changes to the credit limit.
- Disclose and Maintain: This gives person you nominate the same level of access as you. They can change contact information and act on your behalf including making decisions which are legally binding on you.
If one of these options suits your needs this is what you need to do:
- We ask that you inform the person you are authorising that we will hold their personal information. For more information about our privacy policy and how we hold and use personal information you can refer them to: www.latitudefinancial.com.au/privacy
- Along with the person you are nominating, you will need to complete this online Third-Party Authority form.
Once we receive the form, we’ll authorise the person with the level of access you asked for. The authority commences immediately and continues until you tell us otherwise.
You can also use this online form if you want to remove an authorised third party.