We have partnered with thousands of stores around Australia, where you can access a range of interest-free plans, and you can purchase up to your available credit limit without having to re-apply. You can use our Store Locator to find an interest-free retailer near you.
You can have multiple interest-free plans or purchases on your account at one time if you’re spending within your credit limit. Payments to your account are automatically allocated based on the Conditions of Use. However, if you would like a payment to be allocated to a specific interest-free plan, please call us and we can get that allocation sorted for you.
The nitty-gritty
To avoid paying interest, you will need to pay the full balance of your interest-free purchase off before the promotional period is set to expire or you’ll incur interest on what’s owing. Interest isn’t backdated. The best way to avoid interest is to pay what is detailed in the Payments to Reduce Future Interest section on your statements. You can always refer to the Conditions of Use to read more about how payments are allocated.
After your interest-free promotion expires, the outstanding balance will continue to display on your statement until it is paid in full. If any time, something doesn’t feel right with your interest-free promotion. (If you realise that the promotion term is incorrect) please get in touch with us and we can assist in amending this for you.
You can also make additional payments towards specific promotional plans with the mobile app with “Pay this plan”.